Connection Profiles
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    Connection Profiles

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    Article summary

    Connection profiles (.cyberduckprofile) are documents describing connection settings for a hosting provider.

    Note: all connection profiles are available through the Preferences → Profiles tab.


    Connection profiles can be activated by either installing the file by double clicking a .cyberduckprofile file to open and register or enabling in Preferences → Profiles.

    Technical File Format Specification

    The following properties can be defined in a connection profile:

    • Protocol (Required)
    • Vendor (Hosting Provider) (Required)
    The value of Vendor must be unique among all installed connection profiles.
    Plain text
    • Description (Required)
    • Default Nickname Prefilled bookmark name.
    • Default Hostname Prefilled server name.
    • Hostname Configurable Boolean if hostname is configurable.
    • Hostname Placeholder Suggestion for server name.
    • Default Port Prefilled port number.
    • Port Configurable Boolean if port number is configurable.
    • Default Path
    • Schemes Additional array of schemes this profile can be referenced within
    Note - All additional schemes are registered as a scheme handler when opening Glasswall Meteor Connect. This allows to reference files and folders in a web application using a custom scheme like customscheme:/(/<hostname>)/path to open in Windows Explorer.
    Plain text
    • Username Configurable Boolean if username is configurable.
    • Username Placeholder Suggestion for username in login credentials. Used for input field label when editing bookmark.
    • Password Placeholder Suggestion for password in login credentials. Used for input field label when editing bookmark.
    • Password Configurable Boolean if password is configurable.
    • Disk Base64 encoded disk TIFF image icon. Multi Page TIFF with formats 64x64 (72dpi) and 128x128 (144dpi) pixels. Use the disk template file download to create a provider profile image.
    • Icon Base64 encoded disk TIFF image icon to be used in protocol dropdown menu instead of Disk icon
    • Context Currently used for
    • Login context path for OpenStack Swift profiles.
    • Prefix all requests with path for S3 profiles.
    • Anonymous Configurable Boolean if anonymous access is configurable.
    • Path Configurable Boolean if default path is configurable.
    • Certificate Configurable Boolean if client certificate is configurable.
    • Region Region name to limit listing containers of a specific region only for OpenStack Swift(../openstack/ and S3 profiles. For S3, this value is used for AWS4 signatures when no location can be deferred from the URI for third-party S3 providers.
    • Regions List of regions supported by the provider. This will populate options in the Regions dropdown when creating a new top level folder for S3 and OpenStack Swift connections.
    • OAuth Client ID For protocols using OAuth 2.0 you can override the registered application client ID with the provider.
    • OAuth Client Secret For protocols using OAuth 2.0 you can override the registered application client secret with the provider.
    Note - Refer to [Custom OAuth 2.0 Client ID for Google Cloud Storage and Google Drive](
    Plain text


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
            <string>HP Cloud Object Storage</string>
            <key>Default Hostname</key>
            <key>Default Port</key>
            <key>Hostname Configurable</key>
            <key>Port Configurable</key>
            <key>Username Placeholder</key>
            <string>Tenant ID:Access Key</string>
            <key>Password Placeholder</key>
            <string>Secret Key</string>

    Disk icon template

    • Adobe Photoshop disk template file - [Download] (

    Icon set

    Create a multi-TIFF containing the needed icon sizes:

    1. Create a high-resolution .png file based on the PSD template
    2. Use the following script to generate the different resolutions and the multi-TIFF disk.tiff file:
      /usr/bin/sips -s format png -z 128 128 -s dpiHeight 144.0 -s dpiWidth 144.0 ${png} --out ${tmp}/icon_64x64@2x.png
      /usr/bin/sips -s format png -z 64 64 -s dpiHeight 72.0 -s dpiWidth 72.0 ${png} --out ${tmp}/icon_64x64.png
      /usr/bin/sips -s format png -z 96 96 -s dpiHeight 144.0 -s dpiWidth 144.0 ${png} --out ${tmp}/icon_96@2x.png
      /usr/bin/sips -s format png -z 48 48 -s dpiHeight 72.0 -s dpiWidth 72.0 ${png} --out ${tmp}/icon_96.png
      /usr/bin/sips -s format png -z 256 256 -s dpiHeight 144.0 -s dpiWidth 144.0 ${png} --out ${tmp}/icon_256@2x.png
      /usr/bin/sips -s format png -z 128 128 -s dpiHeight 72.0 -s dpiWidth 72.0 ${png} --out ${tmp}/icon_256.png
      /usr/bin/tiffutil -cathidpicheck ${tmp}/icon_64x64@2x.png ${tmp}/icon_64x64.png ${tmp}/icon_96.png ${tmp}/icon_96@2x.png ${tmp}/icon_256.png ${tmp}/icon_256@2x.png -out ${target}/disk.tiff
      Plain text
    3. Use the command base64 ./disk.tiff -b 70 to generate the base64 version of the multi-TIFF file. This final version will be used for the connection profile.

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