Supported Operating Systems
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    Supported Operating Systems

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    Article Summary

    Glasswall's Embedded Engine supports the following operating systems.


    The Windows build has been successfully tested on the following versions.

    OSx86-64ARM64 (beta)
    Windows 10
    Windows 11
    Windows Server 2022
    Windows Server 2019
    Windows Server 2018
    Windows Server 2016



    The Alpine build has been successfully tested on the following versions.

    OSx86-64ARM64 (beta)
    Alpine 3.17


    The Debian build has been successfully tested on the following distributions.

    OSx86-64ARM64 (beta)
    RHEL 7.x
    RHEL 8.x
    Rocky Linux 7.x
    Rocky Linux 8.x
    Rocky Linux 9.x
    CentOS 7.x
    CentOS 8.x
    Oracle 8.x
    Oracle 9.x
    Amazon Linux 2
    Ubuntu 20.x
    Ubuntu 22.x


    The StopOS build has been successfully tested on the following versions.

    Note: support is currently limited to the legacy Rebuild SDK (Rebuild v1.320).

    OSx86-64ARM64 (beta)
    StopOS 8.6.1

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