Step 1 - Set your Kubernetes context to EKS
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    Step 1 - Set your Kubernetes context to EKS

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    Article Summary

    The following steps require the use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI

    • There are various methods of logging into the AWS CLI, such as using a SSO login to your AWS named profile:
    aws sso login --profile <profile>
    • Once you've logged in, set your Kubernetes Context by running the following command:
    aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <region> --name <eks_cluster_name> --profile <profile>

    Note: ensure that you replace <region> and <eks_cluster_name> with the corresponding AWS region  (e.g. eu-west-1) and the name of your EKS cluster.

    You have now merged your EKS settings into your Kubernetes configuration files (typically stored in the ~/.kube/config file).


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