Policy Management API
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    Policy Management API

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    Article summary

    The Policy Management API gives security teams the capability to configure content management policies to match their organizations risk appetite, allowing them to govern the treatment of files and their contents during the CDR process. Users are able to create, update, delete or reset content management policies for Glasswall Halo.

    Accessing Policy Management API

    The Glasswall Policy Management API can be accessed via:



    The Glasswall Policy Management API consists of several endpoints which carry out specific functions.

    The endpoints and their descriptions are listed below.

    • Create Policy
      This endpoint request creates a new policy with the provided values.

    • Update Policy
      This endpoint request updates an existing policy with the provided values.

    • Get Policy
      This endpoint request retrieves details about an existing policy.

    • Delete Policy
      This endpoint request deletes the specified policy.

    • Get All Policies
      This endpoint request retrieves a complete list of all configured policies.

    • Reset Policy
      This endpoint request resets a specified policy to its default schema values.

    For more information please refer to our API Documentation.

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