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    Article summary

    Identify slim/full version

    Based on your license, Glasswall provides an OVA/VHD of a slim or full version. Please follow the steps corresponding to the version you have.

    Slim version

    1. Follow the deployment steps for either VMWare or Hyper-V to create a new VM using the new OVA/VHD.
    2. Ensure everything is running as expected in the new VM.
    3. Create a maintenance window of 30 minutes and inform stakeholders.
    4. If you have a DNS name, update the DNS to replace old IP address with the IP of the new VM.
    5. If you have a Load Balancer, update the load balancer configuration to include the new IP and remove the old IP.
    6. If you don't have a load balancer or a DNS name, inform the stakeholders about the new IP address.

    Full version

    1. Backup MongoDB data and create a mongodump.
    kubectl port-forward svc/mongo-svc 27017
    # open another terminal on the vm
    username=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user -o json | jq -r '.data.username' | base64 -d)
    password=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user -o json | jq -r '.data.password' | base64 -d)
    mongodump -h localhost -p 27017 --db cdrplatform --out halo_backup -u ${username:?} -p ${password:?}
    zip -r halo_backup.zip halo_backup
    1. Copy the backup zip file from the VM to a local machine.
    scp glasswall@<ip-of-the-old-vm>:~/halo_backup.zip halo_backup.zip
    1. Follow the steps in the deployment page based on VMWare or Hyper-V to create a new VM using the new OVA/VHD.

    2. Copy the halo_backup.zip from the local machine to the VM.

    scp halo_backup.zip glasswall@<ip-of-the-new-vm>:~/
    1. Restore the data in the new VM.
    kubectl port-forward svc/mongo-svc 27017
    # open another terminal on the vm
    unzip halo_backup.zip
    username=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user -o json | jq -r '.data.username' | base64 -d)
    password=$(kubectl get secret mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user -o json | jq -r '.data.password' | base64 -d)
    mongorestore --host localhost --port 27017 -u ${username:?} -p ${password:?}  --authenticationMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 --authenticationDatabase=cdrplatform halo_backup
    # cleanup the backup files after the restore
    rm -rf halo_backup halo_backup.zip

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