Release 5.1
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    Release 5.1

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    Article summary

    Date of Release: 20 June 2023

    General Remarks

    Release 5.1 is a patch release of the Glasswall Embedded Engine.

    Component / Services Released

    • Glasswall Embedded Engine (Glasswall_core2): v2.599.1
    • Word Search And Redact ( v1.49
    • Archive Manager (libglasswall.archive.manager): v0.85
    • Glasswall Command Line Tool (gwcli): v2.40
    • SDK Editor Wrappers: v1.0 (20230519.4)

    Fixes & Improvements

    • Fixed issue where a crash sometimes occured when calling protect and analysis on pdf files with a large number of token arrays.
    • XML version numbers in OOXML files are now remediated and reported where an inavlid xml version number is present. This fix applies when calling the protect, analysis, and analysis and protect APIs. The equivalent updates will be made in a subsequent release for where the Export/Import and Word Search APIs are called.
    • Updates to gwConfigurationManagement and gwWordSearchReport schemas.
    • Fixed issue where a double call to the protect API was made when calling protect and analysis.

    Defects and Limitations

    • The JavaScript wrapper is currently excluded from the release package. This will be reintroduced in a subsequent release.
    • Archive Manager and Word Search Java wrapper compatibility is currently limited to JRE8.
    • PDFs generated via the MS Outlook Adobe plugin are not supported.
    • Word Search analysis XML no longer reports structural content or changes.
    • Processing times may be impacted by changes made to licensing functionality.
    • Where using the GWCLI ini file, fileToFileMode = 1 must be specified ( This option will be deprecated in a subsequent release.

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