Release 16
    • PDF

    Release 16

    • PDF

    Article summary

    Date of Release: 6 August 2024

    General Remarks

    This release contains numerous performance improvements and enhancements across the Glasswall Embedded Engine SDK projects.

    Note: As of Release 16, Centos 7 is no longer a supported operating system.

    Component / Services Released

    • Glasswall Embedded Engine (Glasswall_core2): 2.1037.0
    • SDK Editor Wrappers: 20240726.1
    • Word Search and Redact ( 1.213.0
    • Word Search Wrappers: 0.23
    • Rebuild: 1.824
    • Glasswall Runner: 20240729.14

    New Features

    • Tracked changes support in XLSX files via a new content management policy.
      • A tracked_changes content management policy can now be configured to sanitise, disallow or allow tracked changes content within XLSX files.
      • This feature currently sits behind the enable_ooxml_tracked_changes sysConfig feature toggle (disabled by default). See Configuration Management
      • A subsequent release will introduce tracked changes support in DOCX.
    • Significant improvements to Export/Import memory usage and processing times.
      • For complex files such as office xml files with a larger number of structures, significant memory usage reduction (as much as ~80%) and processing time reductions (as much as ~50% and higher where system limits were reached).
      • New implementation currently off by default. See enable_xml_streaming and enable_sisl_streaming in Configuration Management to enable feature via sysConfig feature toggle.
    • New API for translating error codes to descriptions.

    Fixes and Improvements

    • Updated Word Search to force interchange_type policy setting to 'xml' where no setting or a different setting is provided.
    • Fixed issue that sometimes led to a gw2ret_generalfail (-1) being returned instead of gw2ret_fileRejected (-16) when running a session.
    • Fixed issue in PDF where some AllowedIDs were incorrectly reported or missing.
    • Improvements to MP3 File determination. Addresses issue where some text files were incorrectly identified as MP3.
    • Fixed issue in Word Search that led to additional replacement characters being written out where escaped symbols were used for redaction.
    • Fixed issue in Word Search where analyis reports could be missing error descriptions where a file was marked as non-conforming during the CDR process.
    • General improvements to Word Search pattern matching.
    • Fixed issue in MP4 that could lead to a core dump where using the Export APIs.

    Defects and Limitations

    • A tracked_changes content management policy is listed under wordConfig in the analysis reports but is not currently enforced.
    • The Alpine library is currently excluded from the release package and will be reintroduced in a future release.
    • The JavaScript wrapper is currently excluded from the release package and will be reintroduced in a future release.
    • The Word Search Java wrapper compatibility is currently limited to JRE8.
    • PDFs generated via the MS Outlook Adobe plugin are not supported.
    • Word Search analysis XML no longer reports structural content or changes.
    • Processing times may be impacted by changes made to licensing functionality.
    • Processing files using multiple threads is not supported. Spawning multiple processes is advised in order to facilitate parallel processing.
    • Word Search functionality is provided as Beta:
      • 'text' or 'regex' cannot be the same for 'require' or 'allow'/'disallow' as this will regenerate the file and ignore the 'disallow' or 'require' setting
      • | symbol at the start or end of a search term can potentially cause the Engine to hang where using regex search policies

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