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    Article summary

    Summary functionality

    The Java wrapper has additional functionality that can generate a file summary from a given analysis report. The file summary provides an easy to see overview of the work that was carried out on the file. It contains the following items:

    • The filename of the file that was processed
    • The process message from the GW2FileSessionStatus API
    • The last error message from GW2FileErrorMsg API, if the file was non-conforming
    • Additional information that contains a list of sanitised or allowed items with their respective counts. For example, 5 instances of Metadata that have been sanitised.

    The file summary has a flag for skipping unsupported file types. When this is set to true then unsupported file types will have the EngineOutcome set to Unsupported with the LastErrorMessage set to Skipping unsupported filetype.

    The file summary can be used in the following ways:

    • A summary XML report can be generated from a list of analysis reports. This is documented on the Report Summary page.
    • The file summary can be used independently as a way to summarise the analysis report without needing to fully understand the analysis report. This is documented on the Standalone Summary page.

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