Install Glasswall Halo in minikube
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    Install Glasswall Halo in minikube

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    Article summary


    • Access to Glasswall's Artifact Registry
      • In the steps below, the Token and Token ID will be referred to as: token and token_ID.
    • Install & setup Docker
    • Install & setup minikube
      • Ensure it is running via minikube start
    • Minimum system requirements:
      • 8 CPU cores
      • 16 GB memory
    • Install Helm & kubectl

    Step 1 - Get access to Glasswall's Artifact Registry

    Glasswall's Artifact Registry stores container images and Helm charts which you need to complete your Glasswall Halo installation.

    • Run the command below to set minikube as the context.
    kubectl config set-context minikube

    All services associated with Glasswall Halo are deployed to a namespace within the target cluster.

    • Create two namespace and then set the default context for the subsequent commands to be this newly created namespace (cdrplatform).
    kubectl create namespace "cdrplatform"
    kubectl create namespace "license-management"
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace="cdrplatform"
    • To pull container images and Helm charts from Glasswall Artifact Registry, you need to use your token and token_ID in the following two commands.
    kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-secret \
     --docker-server="" --docker-username="${token_ID}" --docker-password="${token}"
    kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-secret \
     --docker-server="" --docker-username="${token_ID}" --docker-password="${token}" -n license-management
    • Create a secret for MongoDB and generate your own password to be used.
    kubectl create secret generic cdrplatform-secrets --from-literal=mongodb-cdrp-password="${new_password}" --from-literal=mongodb-admin-password="${new_password}"
    • Login to the Helm registry using your token_ID and token as shown below.
    helm registry login "" -u "${token_ID}" -p "${token}"

    See Glasswall Artifact Registry for a complete list of hosted container images and Helm charts.

    Step 2 - Pull Helm charts

    Glasswall Halo consists of Glasswall Helm charts hosted in our authenticated Glasswall Artifact Registry, along side a few industry recognized third-party charts.

    • Before the charts can be installed, the right versions need to be pulled by Helm.
    • An example pull command is shown below; this needs to be executed for each Helm chart listed.
    helm pull oci://<repository> --version <version> --untar --untardir .
    • The following example is pre-populated with the versions for v2.7.2.
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.6.3 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.4.0 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.5.6 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.2.4 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.2.10 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.2.4 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.1.2 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.1.6 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.0.7 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.1.2 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.0.5 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version  --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.0.4 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.0.7 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.0.5 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version 0.0.3 --untar --untardir .
    helm pull oci:// --version  --untar --untardir .
    • In order to gain access to the repositories from which our prerequisite components are installed, they must be added:
    helm repo add bitnami
    helm repo add kedacore
    helm repo add mongodb
    helm repo update

    Step 3 - Install and configure the Helm charts

    Now that you have access to the Helm charts, they can be deployed.

    • Install the components. The examples below are pre-populated with the tags for v2.7.2.


    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-storage cdrplatform-storage --set cloud_provider=local
    helm upgrade --install rabbitmq-cluster-operator bitnami/rabbitmq-cluster-operator \
      --atomic \
      --version 4.3.16 \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.fullnameOverride=rabbitmq-messaging-topology-operator \
      --set clusterOperator.image.tag=2.8.0-debian-12-r2 \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.image.tag=1.13.0-debian-12-r8 \
      --set credentialUpdaterImage.tag=1.0.4-debian-12-r16 \
      --set rabbitmqImage.tag=3.13-debian-12-r1 \
      --set clusterOperator.watchAllNamespaces=false \
      --set clusterOperator.watchNamespaces={cdrplatform} \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.watchAllNamespaces=false \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.watchNamespaces={cdrplatform} \
      --set clusterOperator.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
      --set clusterOperator.resources.requests.memory=256Mi \
      --set clusterOperator.resources.limits.cpu=100m \
      --set clusterOperator.resources.limits.memory=256Mi \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.resources.requests.cpu=100m \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.resources.requests.memory=256Mi \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.resources.limits.cpu=100m \
      --set msgTopologyOperator.resources.limits.memory=256Mi
    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-rabbitmq -n cdrplatform cdrplatform-rabbitmq --wait \
      --set \
      --set image.tag=122236 \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set replicas=1 \
      -f cdrplatform-rabbitmq/values.yaml

    Step 4 - Install Engine

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-engine cdrplatform-engine \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set image.tag=129787 \

    Step 5 - Sync API

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-sync-api cdrplatform-sync-api \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set image.tag=130008 \

    Step 6 - API Access Service

    The API Access service acts as a gateway service to access Glasswall Halo's Synchronous API and Policy API.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-api-access -n cdrplatform cdrplatform-api-access \
     --set \
     --atomic --set image.tag=130406

    For deployments with TLS/SSL

    To configure the CDR API with SSL certificates, create a private key and certificate for the domain to be used.

    Create a Kubernetes secret using the key and crt files using the command below. With this command we create a secret with the name "tls-secret" from the files server.key (private key) and server.crt (certificate). The key should not be passphrase protected in this example.

    You can reference the following links for instructions on how to generate a local self-signed certificate as well as configure the desired domain name in your local host file. The domain name should point to in the case of linux and macOS, in the case of windows if (IPv4) doesn't work try ::1 (IPv6).

    Generated certificates must contain a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for your domain name.


    • Create an OpenSSL configuration file (openssl.cnf) for the SAN and paste the following:
    default_bits       = 2048
    distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
    req_extensions     = req_ext
    x509_extensions    = v3_ca   # The extensions to add to the self-signed cert
    countryName                 = Country Name (2 letter code)
    countryName_default         = UK
    stateOrProvinceName         = State or Province Name (full name)
    stateOrProvinceName_default = London
    localityName                = Locality Name (eg, city)
    localityName_default        = London
    organizationName            = Organization Name (eg, company)
    organizationName_default    = Glasswall
    Email_address               = Company Email
    commonName                  = Common Name (e.g. Your domain name)
    subjectAltName = @alt_names
    subjectAltName = @alt_names
    DNS.1   = Your domain name
    • Generate Certificate and Key:
      openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 \
        -x509 \
        -nodes \
        -days 365 \
        -keyout server.key \
        -out server.crt \
        -config openssl.cnf \
        -extensions 'v3_ca'
    <minikube-ip> <your domain name>



    Add and trust your generated certificate in your local certificates store.

    kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --key server.key --cert server.crt

    This secret can then be used to enable TLS on the ingress as shown in the example below. Make sure to set the $domain_name variable prior to running the command:

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-api-access -n cdrplatform cdrplatform-api-access \
      --set \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set image.tag=130406 \
      --set ingress.tls.enabled=true \
      --set ingress.tls.domain=$domain_name \
      --set ingress.tls.secretName=tls-secret

    Enable API Authentication [Optional]

    The Authentication in the Glasswall Halo API is disabled by default. If authentication needs to be enabled:

    • Create 2 secret in kubernetes manually, one for the organisation ID and another for Orgnization token.

    • The secrets should follow below naming convention

      • The secret for organisation ID should start with organisation and end with -id with a number in between. For example organisation1-id.
      • The secret for organisation tokens should start with organisation and end with -tokens with a number in between. For example organisation1-tokens.

    The below example command can be used to create the secrets manually in Kubernetes, make sure to set the organisation_id and organisation_tokens variables prior to running the command.

    Note: $organisation_tokens can take a comma-delimited list of password values.

    kubectl create secret generic cdrplatform-secrets \
      --from-literal=organisation1-id="$organisation_id" \

    If enabling API Auth, update configuration.configuration.AuthenticationScheme=Basic

    For Example:

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-api-access -n cdrplatform cdrplatform-api-access \
      --set \
      --set image.tag=130406 \
      --set configuration.AuthenticationScheme=Basic \
    • To enable API key based authentication in Menlo, set configuration.MenloAuthenticationScheme=ApiKey. Make sure menlo-api-key secret has been added to the cdrplatform-secrets secret.
    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-api-access  cdrplatform-api-access \
      --set \
      --set image.tag=130406 \
      --set configuration.MenloAuthenticationScheme=ApiKey \

    Step 7 - Install Portal

    To deploy Portal service, run the below command. If enabling API Auth, update configuration.EnableAuth=true.

    For deployments without TLS/SSL

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-portal cdrplatform-portal \
      --set image.tag=130172 \
      --set \
      --set configuration.BackendUrl=http://localhost:8080 \
      --set configuration.OIDC=null \
      --set configuration.HaloVersion=2.7.2 \

    For deployments with TLS/SSL

    If TLS needs to be enabled, add the --set ingress.tls.enable_tls=true and set portal_domain=<domain name> parameters - in the below example, it will use the same Kubernetes secret that was created for the API Access to retrieve the certificates.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-portal cdrplatform-portal \
      --set image.tag=130172 \
      --set \
      --set ingress.tls.enabled=true \
      --set ingress.tls.domain=${portal_domain} \
      --set ingress.tls.secretName=tls-secret \
      --set configuration.OIDC=null \
      --set configuration.BackendUrl="https://${portal_domain}" \
      --set configuration.HaloVersion=2.7.2 \

    Step 8 - Portal Access

    Portal Access acts a backend for Portal. It enables Portal to access Policy API and Sync API

    For deployments without TLS/SSL

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-portal-access cdrplatform-portal-access \
      --set \
      --set configuration.AuthenticationScheme=None \
      --set image.tag=130043 \

    For deployments with TLS/SSL

    If TLS needs to be enabled, add the --set ingress.tls.enable_tls=true and --set ingress.tls.domain=<domain name> parameters - in the below example, it will use the same Kubernetes secret that was created for the API Access to retrieve the certificates.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-portal-access cdrplatform-portal-access \
      --set \
      --set image.tag=130043 \
      --set ingress.tls.enabled=true \
      --set ingress.tls.domain=${portal_domain} \
      --set ingress.tls.secretName=tls-secret \
      --set configuration.AuthenticationScheme=None \

    Without authentication

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-portal-access cdrplatform-portal-access \
     --set \
     --set image.tag=130043 \
     --set configuration.AuthenticationScheme=None \

    Step 9 - Clean up Service

    Clean up service deletes the original and rebuilt files from the persistent storage after the files are processed

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-cleanup cdrplatform-cleanup \
      --set \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set image.tag=129892 \

    Step 10 - MongoDB

    MongoDB Operator

    helm install community-operator mongodb/community-operator --namespace cdrplatform \
      --set operator.version=0.9.0 \
      --set agent.version= \


    helm upgrade -i cdrplatform-mongodb cdrplatform-mongodb -n cdrplatform --atomic \
      --set cloud_provider=local

    Step 11 - License Management

    License management service is used to manage the license in the CDR Platform

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-license-management cdrplatform-license-management -n license-management \
      --set \
      --set image.tag=129305 \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set "secretsFromRef[3].DATABASE__ConnectionString.secretName=mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user" \
      --set "secretsFromRef[3].DATABASE__ConnectionString.key=connectionString.standard" \
      -n license-management \

    Step 12 - Policy API

    Policy API

    The Policy API is used to manage policies for Glasswall Halo content management flags.

    Note: this is an optional service, so only install this if you would like to create and use custom polices.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-policy-api  cdrplatform-policy-api \
      --set image.tag=130019 \
      --set \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.secretName=mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user" \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.key=connectionString.standard" \
      -f cdrplatform-policy-api/values.yaml \

    Step 13 - Async API

    The Asynchronous API can be deployed using the command below. A MongoDB database is a pre-requisite for the Async API.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-async-api cdrplatform-async-api \
      --set image.tag=130012 \
      --set \
      --set "secretsFromRef[3].DATABASE__ConnectionString.secretName=mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user" \
      --set "secretsFromRef[3].DATABASE__ConnectionString.key=connectionString.standard" \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      -f cdrplatform-async-api/values.yaml \

    Step 14 - Metrics Collation (Removed from version 2.6.2)

    The Metrics Collation service captures events from Glasswall Halo and stores them in MongoDB. Deploy only when using Halo version 2.6.1 and below.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-metrics-collation cdrplatform-metrics-collation \
      --set image.tag=123766 \
      --set \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.secretName=mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user" \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.key=connectionString.standard" \
      -f cdrplatform-metrics-collation/values.yaml \

    Step 15 - Metrics Projection

    The Metrics Projection service is used to pull reporting data from MongoDB to display in the Portal UI.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-metrics-projection cdrplatform-metrics-projection \
      --set image.tag=130014 \
      --set \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.secretName=mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user" \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.key=connectionString.standard" \
      -f cdrplatform-metrics-projection/values.yaml \

    Step 16 - Report Extractor

    The Report Extractor service extracts analysis reports and publishes them for reporting.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-report-extractor cdrplatform-report-extractor \
      --set image.tag=129602 \
      --set \
      --set cloud_provider=local \

    Step 17 - Tally Accumulator

    The Tally accumulator service tracks and maintains a tally of usage statistics.

    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-tally-accumulator cdrplatform-tally-accumulator -n cdrplatform \
      --set image.tag=130017 \
      --set \
      --set cloud_provider=local \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.secretName=mongodb-cdrplatform-cdrp-user" \
      --set "secretsFromRef[0].DATABASE__ConnectionString.key=connectionString.standard" \
      -f cdrplatform-tally-accumulator/values.yaml \

    Enable minikube Ingress

    Enable the minikube ingress addon.

    minikube addons enable ingress

    Step 18 - Expose API and Portal service to the host system via localhost.

    Run the minikube tunnel command in a separate terminal window:

    minikube tunnel

    Step 19 - API and Portal Access

    To access the API or Portal, navigate to the urls below in a browser:


    If TLS/SSL was configured, use the urls below while replacing <domain_name> with the domain name you configure earlier.


    If you encounter a connection refused error with TLS/SSL enabled, restart Minikube and wait for the deployment to complete.

    minikube stop
    minikube start

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