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    Article summary

    ICAP Profiles provide a means to customize the processing of files by the ICAP Server and manage CDR. Simultaneous activation of multiple ICAP Profiles is supported but each incoming RESPMOD or REQMOD request is assigned precisely one profile.



    The status property determines whether the ICAP Server should proceed with utilizing the specified profile. When set to false, the profile is deactivated, and the request will result in a failure, accompanied by an error message.

    Profile Settings

    Content Management Policy

    The ProfileSettings.ContentManagementPolicy property represents a named policy within Halo. This policy will be applied to all content within RESPMOD and REQMOD requests. If the specified ContentManagementPolicy does not exist during processing, requests will fall back to using the default profile.

    The Content Management Policy labeled as 'default' is allocated to the default profile.

    Learn more about Policy Management


    ProfileSettings.ProcessingRulesDefault determines which action the ICAP Server should take when it encounters an unrecognized MIME/Content-Type. An unrecognized content type refers to one that is not part of the ProcessingRules collection.


    ProfileSettings.ProcessingRules is a collection of rules to be applied to a RESPMOD or REQMOD request. The rules can contain custom MIME/Content-Types.

    When ICAP Server matches the Content-Type of a REQMOD or RESPMOD request, it will decide what to do with the content depending on the value of the rule:

    processCDR the file and replace the HTTP content with the rebuilt file.
    bypassDo nothing, pass the original file through.
    blockDO NOT CDR the file. Replaces the HTTP content with an error report.

    The Default Profile

    When ICAP is installed in Halo, a default ICAP Profile will be created and persisted on first start-up. This profile is set to process all supported content types by default, and block unrecognised content types.

    Resetting your profile from Release 2.5.4 ensures it will include the new Media Types.

    Example Profile JSON

      "ProfileIdentity": "f49f7748-4f33-4638-8f24-bfd721bcd487",
      "ProfileName": "default",
      "ProfileVersion": 1,
      "IsDefaultProfile": true,
      "Status": "enabled",
      "ProfileSettings": {
        "ContentManagementPolicy": "default",
        "ProcessingRulesDefault": "block",
        "ProcessingRules": {
          "application/msword": "process",
          "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document": "process",
          "application/vnd.ms-excel": "process",
          "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet": "process",
          "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint": "process",
          "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation": "process",
          "application/pdf": "process",
          "image/jpeg": "process",
          "image/png": "process",
          "image/gif": "process",
          "image/tiff": "process",
          "image/bmp": "process",
          "image/svg+xml": "process",
          "image/webp": "process",
          "application/x-emf": "process",
          "application/x-wmf": "process",
          "audio/wav": "process",
          "audio/mpeg": "process",
          "audio/mp4": "process",
          "application/x-bzip2": "process",
          "application/gzip ": "process",
          "application/x-rar-compressed": "process",
          "application/x-tar": "process",
          "application/x-xz": "process",
          "application/zip ": "process",
          "application/x-7z-compressed": "process"

    Fallback mode

    If the Policy API cannot be contacted for any reason during the retrieval and caching of profiles, the service can use a fallback profile until a time in which it can recover.

    This profile is configured to be the same as the default installed profile and as such uses a default content management policy and processing rules.

    To enable this, please refer to Configuration Changes.

    When disabled the service will attempt to recover by restarting.

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