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    Article summary

    The GW2RegisterLicenceFile registers the licence file to a session.

    If neither GW2RegisterLicenceFile or GW2RegisterLicenceMemory is registered with a session, the Editor will attempt to search for the licence in the default location. This is a file called gwkey.lic located in the same folder as the Editor library. If that cannot be found then the library will be considered unlicenced and some processes may fail with licence expiry issues.


    The GW2RegisterLicenceFile function requests that session session uses the licence specified in the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename. The Licence will be applied to all processing performed by Glasswall for that session.

    #include "glasswall.core2.api.h"
    int GW2RegisterLicenceFile(Session session, const char *filename);


    Returns an integer GW2_RetStatus enum value. Negative numbers indicate a failure.


    #include "glasswall.core2.api.h"
        HANDLE session = GW2OpenSession();
        if (!session)
            /* deal with error */
            if (GW2RegisterLicenceFile(session, "gwkey.lic") < 0)
                /* deal with error */
                /* the file has been successfully registered */
        /* later */
        if (GW2CloseSession(session) < 0)
            /* error closing session */


    The RegisterLicenceFile method requests that session session uses the licence specified in the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename. The Licence will be applied to all processing performed by Glasswall for that session.

    /// <param name="session">Current open Glasswall session</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">The file path to the licence file to be registered</param>
        public int RegisterLicenceFile(int session, string filePath)


    Returns an integer GW2_RetStatus enum value. Negative numbers indicate a failure.


    The RegisterLicenceFile method requests that session session uses the licence specified in the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename. The Licence will be applied to all processing performed by Glasswall for that session.

    import com.glasswall.core2javabridge.*;
    public int GW2RegisterLicenceFile(int session, String licenceFilePath) throws GlasswallException, NullPointerException
    public int GW2RegisterLicenceFile(int session, byte[] licenceFilePath) throws GlasswallException, NullPointerException


    The GW2RegisterLicenceFile function parameters have been updated to use String in place of byte[]. The original function has been deprecated.


    The GW2RegisterLicenceFile function returns a GW2_RetStatus enumeration converted to int. The value will be negative if an error occurred. 0 indicates success.

    Please refer to API Overview for Return Types and their details.

    A NullPointerException exception will be thrown if licenceFilePath is null or empty.

    A GlasswallException exception will be thrown if session is invalid, if the licenceFilePath could not be retrieved, or if the licenceFilePath could not be converted to UTF-8.

    Licence registration for each session is handled automatically in the Python wrapper, and it is not necessary for users to call GW2RegisterLicenceFile or GW2RegisterLicenceMemory manually.

    By default, the Editor class expects a valid licence file to be located in the same directory as the library_path. You can also specify a different path to a gwkey.lic licence file using the `licence` argument.

    import glasswall
    # Load the Glasswall Editor library with a specified licence file
    editor = glasswall.Editor(r"C:\gwpw\libraries\10.0", licence=r"C:\gwpw\licence\gwkey.lic")

    Alternatively, you can pass the licence data in-memory as a bytes, bytearray, or io.BytesIO object.

    import glasswall
    # Alternatively, load the licence from in-memory bytes or bytearray
    with open(r"C:\gwpw\licence\gwkey.lic", "rb") as f:
        licence_data =
    editor = glasswall.Editor(
        licence=licence_data  # In-memory licence data


    The RegisterLicenceFile method requests that session session uses the licence specified in the file whose name is the string pointed to by filename. The Licence will be applied to all processing performed by Glasswall for that session.

         * Sets what licence file should be loaded for the session.
         * @param {number} session The ID of the session.
         * @param {string} filename The filename from which to load the licence.
         * @returns {number} Status of the operation; 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
        GW2RegisterLicenceFile(session, filename)


    Returns an integer GW2_RetStatus enum value. Negative numbers indicate a failure.

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