Event IDs
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    Event IDs

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    Article summary


    Each service emits a number of log statements when certain events within that service occur. When these events are logged they contain the relevant amount of written data and values to help you understand and trace that log but they also contain an Event ID as part of the log statement. This Event ID allows you to find a series of log statements or use queries to help better understand what events have occurred within a service.

    You can collect and centralise the logs of Glasswall Halo using a log aggregation and monitoring tool, such as ELK Stack, Splunk, or Datadog. These tools provide powerful search and visualisation capabilities, allowing you to query logs based on Event IDs, timestamps, and other attributes.

    Log levels

    Log levels indicate the severity or importance of a log entry. This will help you prioritise and filter log messages. Here's how to understand and utilise log levels effectively:

    Log level hierarchy

    Log levels typically follow a hierarchy, with each level indicating increasing severity. Common log levels include:

    • INFORMATION: Provides general information about the application's operation.
    • WARNING: Highlights potential issues or unexpected behaviour that may not be critical.
    • ERROR: Indicates errors that require immediate attention.
    • CRITICAL: Reserved for the most severe issues that may lead to application failure.

    Consumer actions

    When you consume the log data you can take specific actions based on log levels:

    • INFO: These logs are valuable for monitoring the regular operation of an application. Operations teams may use them to ensure the system is running smoothly.
    • WARNING: Potential issues or irregularities are highlighted. Operations teams can set up alerts to proactively address these.
    • ERROR: Immediate attention is needed. Operations teams should investigate and address errors promptly to prevent service disruptions.
    • CRITICAL: Indicates a severe issue that requires immediate action. Operations teams should be alerted, and incident response processes should be initiated.

    The Events omitted by Glasswall Halo are as follows:

    Global event IDs

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    MongoDB-HealthCheckFailed100100When the MongoDB Database health check failsError
    MongoDB-DocumentsRetrieved100101When a query to the MongoDB database successfully returns documentsInformation
    MongoDB-DocumentInserted100102When documents are successfully inserted into the MongoDB databaseInformation
    MongoDB-DocumentsDeleted100103When documents are successfully deleted from the MongoDB databaseInformation
    MongoDB-SumOfCalculated100104When a SumOf query is successfully executed against the MongoDB databaseInformation
    MongoDB-DocumentsUpdated100105When documents are successfully updated in the MongoDB databaseInformation
    MongoDB-DocumentsMatched100106When an Exists query is successfully executed against the MongoDB databaseInformation
    CosmosDB-HealthCheckFailed100150When the Cosmos Database health check failsError
    CosmosDB-ItemsRetrieved100151When a query to the Cosmos database successfully returns itemsInformation
    CosmosDB-ItemInserted100152When items are successfully inserted into the Cosmos databaseInformation
    CosmosDB-ItemsDeleted100153When items are successfully deleted from the Cosmos databaseInformation
    CosmosDB-SumOfCalculated100154When a SumOf query is successfully executed against the Cosmos databaseInformation
    CosmosDB-ItemsUpdated100155When items are successfully updated in the Cosmos databaseInformation
    CosmosDB-ItemsMatched100156When an Exists query is successfully executed against the Cosmos databaseInformation

    Sync API

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    ReceivedAuthResponse5When the API received the response from the Engine serviceInformation
    SuscribedToQueue6When the API he subscribed to the response queueInformation
    CreatedQueue7When the API creates the correct response queueInformation
    SentMessage8When the API successfully submits a message to the Rabbit MQInformation
    FileWritten9When the API successfully writes a file to the file storageInformation
    FileRead10When the API successfully reads the rebuilt file or analysis from storageInformation
    MessagePollerStarted11When the rate limiting polling has startedInformation
    IncorrectResponseMessage12When the API received a response from the Engine Service but there is no task waiting to return the response to the userWarning
    OperationFailed13When an operation within the API failsWarning
    RetryingPolicy14When an operation retries based on the defined retry policyWarning
    FailedRebuildArchiveEntry15When the API fails to rebuild the clean files sections of an archive responseWarning
    FailedAnalysisArchiveEntry16When the API fails to rebuild the analysis section of an archive responseWarning
    RateLimited17When a request is not allowed due to rate limiting being reachedWarning
    ErrorHandlingRPCResponse18When the API fails to handle a response message from the engineError
    FailedToSendTransactionEvent19When the API fails to send transaction events used for dashboardsError
    RequestFailed20When the request to the API fails for a known reasonError
    UnknownRequestFailure21When the request to the API fails for an unknown reasonError
    PipelineStarted22When an action within the API beginsInformation
    PipelineCompleted23When an action within the API has completedInformation
    StartError24When the API fails to start upInformation
    StorageNotFound25When the API is unable to find the mounted storage locationInformation


    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    MetricsOutput2When the Engine service logs metrics to stdoutInformation
    SubscribedToQueue3When the Engine service has subscribed to the request queueInformation
    CreatedQueue4When the Engine service has created the request and logging queueInformation
    SentMessage5When the Engine service has sent a message to the response or report queueInformation
    CompletedMessage6When the Engine service has completed the request message from the APIInformation
    RejectedMessage7When the Engine service rejects the request message from the APIRejectedMessage
    GetStream8When the Engine service gets stream of a file stored on the mounted diskInformation
    WrittenFile9When the Engine service has written the rebuilt file to the mounted storageInformation
    ServiceStopping10When the Engine service stops runningInformation
    MessageReceivedDuringShutdown11When the Engine service receives a message during its shutdown processInformation
    HandlingMessage12When the Engine service begins to handle a requestInformation
    WriteAnalysisFailed14When the Engine service fails to write the analysis report to the mounted storageWarning
    WriteCleanFileFailed15When the Engine service fails to write the clean file to the mounted storageWarning
    RetryingPolicy16When the Engine service retries an operation based on a defined retry policyWarning
    EngineVersionFailure17When the Engine service fails to get the version from the embedded engineWarning
    RabbitMqHealthFailure18When the Rabbit MQ health check failsWarning
    ErrorHandlingMessage20When the Engine service fails to handle a request messageError
    MessageError21When the Engine Service has an issue processing a message from the request queueError
    ServiceDisconnected22When the Engine service disconnectsCritical
    StorageNotFound23When the Engine service cannot find the mounted storageInformation
    StartError24When the Engine service fails to startInformation
    TrackerActionFinished25When the Engine service completed tracking an event within the serviceWarning
    ServiceStarting26When the Engine service starts upInformation
    StorageHealthFailure27When the storage health check failsWarning
    WriteExportFileFailed28When the Engine service fails to write the export file to the mounted storageWarning
    DetectingPathFileType2001When DetectFileTypeFromFile is calledInformation
    DetectingMemoryFileType2002When DetectFileTypeFromMemory is calledInformation
    NoLicenseSetAtSessionCreation2003When no active license was found. In this case, no CDR occursCritical
    EngineLicenseError2004An active license was found, but it is invalid or expiredCritical

    Report Extractor

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    UnableToConnectToMessageBroker1When the service is unable to connect to the Message Broker at start upCritical
    UnableToConnectToMessageBrokerQueue2When the service is unable to connect to the response queue at start upCritical
    UnexpectedMessageBrokerException3When the API has an unexpected error connecting to the Message Broker or queue at start upCritical
    StorageHealthFailure4When the storage health check failsError
    ReadAnalysisReport5When the Report extractor has read the analysis report from the mounted driveInformation
    FailedToReadAnalysisReport6When the Report extractor fails to read the analysis report from the mounted driveError

    API Access

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    AnonymousAuth1When a request is allowed via anonymous authInformation
    MissingAuthHeader2When a request is missing the required auth headerInformation
    ValidOrganisation3When a request is made with the correct auth org IDInformation
    InvalidAuthHeader4When a request is made with invalid auth headerInformation
    ServiceFailedToStart5When the service fails to startCritical
    UpstreamResponse6When an upstream service returns a responseInformation
    UpstreamRequest7When a request to an upstream service is madeInformation
    RequestError8When a request errorsError

    Portal Access

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    UpstreamResponse1When an upstream service returns a responseInformation
    UpstreamRequest2When a request to an upstream service is madeInformation
    StartError3When the service fails to startCritical
    RequestError4When a request errorsError

    Async API

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    ServiceStarting1When the API starts upInformation
    ServiceStopping2When the shutdown process is called for Async APIInformation
    MessageReceivedDuringShutdown3When the API receives a message during its shutdown processWarning
    HandlingMessage4When the API is handling a message from the queueInformation
    HandledMessage5When the API has successfully handled a message from the queueInformation
    MessageError6When the API has an issue processing a message from the queueError
    ServiceDisconnected7When the API disconnects from the message brokerCritical
    SubscribedToQueue8When the API subscribed to receive message from the queueInformation
    SentMessage9When the API has sent a message for processingInformation
    FileWritten10When the API successfully writes a file to the file storageInformation
    FileRead11When the API successfully reads the rebuilt file or analysis from storageInformation
    IncorrectStatusStored12When the status for a stored item is not the expected statusWarning
    OperationFailed13When an operation within the API failsCritical
    RetryingPolicy14When an operation retries based on the defined retry policyWarning
    RequestFailed16When the request to the API fails for a known reasonError
    UnknownRequestFailure17When the request to the API fails for an unknown reasonError
    PipelineStarted18When an action within the API beginsInformation
    PipelineCompleted19When an action within in the API has completedInformation
    StartError20When the API fails to start upInformation
    StorageNotFound21When the API is unable to find the mounted storage locationInformation
    HashingError22When the API is unable to generate hashes for the fileError
    DeleteFailed23When the API is unable to delete the file from the mounted storage locationError
    UnableToConnectToMessageBroker24When the API is unable to connect to the Message Broker at start upCritical
    UnableToConnectToMessageBrokerQueue25When the API is unable to connect to the response queue at start upCritical
    UnexpectedMessageBrokerException26When the API has an unexpected error connecting to the Message Broker or queue at start upCritical
    DatabaseHealthFailure27When the API's database health check fails to connect to the databaseWarning
    MessageBrokerHealthFailure28When the API's message broker health check fails to connect to the message brokerWarning
    DatabaseFailure29When the API is unable to complete an operation on the database after maximum number of retriesError
    DatabaseItemRetrieved30When the API has performed a retrieval on an item in the databaseInformation
    DatabaseItemStored31When the API has stored an item in the databaseInformation
    DatabaseItemUpdated32When the API has updated an item in the databaseInformation
    HandleSingleFileResponse33When the API has received a response relating to a single fileWarning
    HandleArchiveContentResponse34When the API has received a response relating to an archive content itemWarning

    Tally Accumulator

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    UnableToConnectToMessageBroker1When the API is unable to connect to the Message Broker at start upCritical
    UnableToConnectToMessageBrokerQueue2When the API is unable to connect to the response queue at start upCritical
    UnexpectedMessageBrokerException3When the API has an unexpected error connecting to the Message Broker or queue at start upCritical
    StartError4When the API fails to start upCritical
    ProcessTransactionEventStart5When a supported transaction is received and processing has startedInformation
    ProcessTransactionEventEnd6When a supported transaction is received and processing has finished successfullyInformation
    LicenseTransactionStoreUpsertStart7When an upsert is about to happen against the License Transaction StoreInformation
    LicenseTransactionStoreUpsertSuccess8When an upsert against the License Transaction Store has finished successfullyInformation
    TallyStoreUpsertStart9When an upsert is about to happen against the Tally StoreInformation
    TallyStoreUpsertComplete10When an upsert against the Tally Store is successfulInformation
    TallyStoreGetUsageStart11When license usage is about to be retrieved from the Tally StoreInformation
    TallyStoreGetUsageSuccess12When license usage is retrieved from the Tally Store successfullyInformation
    UnexpectedNegativeFileSize13When a license transaction event for a file has a negative file sizeWarning
    UnexpectedRequestException14When an unexpected exception is raised by the service that will result in a 500 status code for a given API requestError
    UnsupportedEntitlementLimitName15When the supplied filter for the usage endpoint is not a valid entitlement limitWarning
    DatabaseHealthFailure16When the service health checks fail to contact the database instancesWarning
    ErroredFileReceived17When an error occurs upstream. This will result in the tally not being incrementedWarning

    Metrics Collation

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    UnableToConnectToMessageBroker1When the service is unable to connect to the Message Broker at start upCritical
    UnableToConnectToMessageBrokerQueue2When the service is unable to connect to the response queue at start upCritical
    UnexpectedMessageBrokerException3When the service has an unexpected error connecting to the Message Broker or queue at start upCritical
    StorageHealthFailure4When the storage health check fails; this is usually a problem with database connectivityError
    WritingEventToMongoStorage5When an incoming event is about to be persisted in the databaseInformation
    MongoWriteError7When an incoming event fails to be persisted in the databaseError
    JsonExceptionError8When the message listener fails to deserialize an eventError
    UnknownFailedToProcess10When an unhandled exception occurs while processing an incoming eventCritical
    FailedToImportTraceData11When the trace provider fails to import trace data from an incoming event headerWarning
    StorageHealthCheckStartUp12When the service performs a storage health check at startupInformation

    Metrics Projection

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    StartError1When the service fails to start upCritical
    StorageHealthFailure2When the storage health check fails; this is usually a problem with database connectivityWarning
    ChangeProcessorStart5When the change processor is about to setup a watcher for database changesInformation
    ChangeProcessorStarted6When the change processor has successfully setup a watcher for database changesInformation
    ChangeProcessorStopping7When the change processor is about to stop watching for database changesInformation
    ChangeProcessorStopped8When the change processor has successfully stopped watching for database changesInformation
    ChangeProcessorStopFailure9When the change processor fails to stop watching for database changes, i.e. it was not watching for changesWarning
    ChangeProcessorBatchStart10When the change processor has recieved a batch of database changes and is about to start procoessing themInformation
    ChangeProcessorBatchEnd11When the change processor has finished processing the current batch of database changesInformation
    ChangeProcessorUnhandledException13When the change processor encounters a problem while processing a change; this may cause inconsistencies in dataError
    TransactionEventProjected14When an event (change) has been successfully mapped to a projectionDebug
    ChangeHandlerStarted15When a change handler is about to start processing changes after being called upon by the change processorInformation
    ChangeHandlerFinished16When the change handler has finished processing changesInformation
    ChangeHandlerFailure17When the change handler has failed to process changesCritical
    ChangeProcessorStartFailure19When the changle processor fails to start watching for database changesError
    ChangeProcessorWatchStart20When the change processor has started actively watching for database changes (after setting up a watcher)Information
    DaywiseSummaryIncremented21When a day-wise summary has been successfully incremented based on a completed fileInformation
    DaywiseSummaryNotIncremented22When a day-wise summary will not be incremented based on a (usually incomplete) fileDebug
    RetryingPolicy23When an operation retries based on the defined retry policyWarning
    MaterializedViewPersisted24When a materialized view (projection) has been persisted in the database after being projected uponInformation

    License Management

    EventIDDescriptionLog Level
    StartError1When the service fails to start upCritical
    LicenseProcessingError2When a request fails for an unforeseen reasonError
    DeleteLicenseStart3When the service begins deleting the current active licenseInformation
    DeleteLicenseEnd4When the service has finished deleting the current active licenseInformation
    UpdateLicenseStart5When the service begins updating the current active licenseInformation
    UpdateLicenseEnd6When the service has finished updating the current active licenseInformation
    GetLicenseStart7When the service begins retrieving the current active licenseInformation
    GetLicenseEnd8When the service has finished retrieving the current active licenseInformation
    LicenseNotFound9When the current active license cannot be found during update or retrievalError
    LicenseExpired10When the uploaded license has expired, causing the update to failError
    FetchingLicenseUsageStart11When the service begins retrieving the current active license and usage dataInformation
    FetchingLicenseUsageEnd12When the service has finished retrieving the current active license and usage dataInformation

    ICAP Server

    EventIdDescriptionLog Level
    BackgroundServiceStarting1When the ICAP listener is startingInformation
    BackgroundServiceStarted2When the ICAP listener has startedInformation
    BackgroundServiceStopping3When the service shuts down and the ICAP listener is stoppingInformation
    BackgroundServiceStopped4When the service shuts down and the ICAP listener has completed stoppingInformation
    StartError5When the service fails to startCritical
    HaloCallFailure8When a file cannot be built via the Halo APIWarning
    ProfileStoreMaintainerStarting9When the background thread starts listening for ICAP profile changes to persist locallyInformation
    ProfileStoreMaintainerStarted10When the background thread listening for ICAP profile changes has started successfullyInformation
    ProfileStoreMaintainerStopping11When the service shuts down and the profile background thread stops listening for profile updatesInformation
    ProfileStoreMaintainerStopped12When the service shuts down and the profile background thread completes its shutdown processInformation
    ProfileStoreMaintainerHeartbeatError13When profiles are queried and cannot be persisted due to an errorError
    ProfileStoreMaintainerHeartbeatSuccess14When profiles are queried successfullyInformation
    ProfileUsageFailure15When the profile specified in an ICAP request is not foundWarning
    ErrorHandled17When the icap server finishes processing an unexpected exception by sending an error response to the icap clientError
    UnlicensedRequest18When an ICAP request is received for an unlicensed icap serverWarning
    RetryingPolicy19When an action is being retried, for example a failed call into the Halo APIWarning
    FileBlocked20When an ICAP request is processed containing a file that is blockedInformation
    FileProcessingStarted21When starting to process a file within an icap requestInformation
    ProfileFailedToFetch22When a profile cannot be retrieved from the Policy APIError
    RebuiltFileExceedsCacheSize23When the ICAP request contains a file too large to be stored in the cacheWarning
    FileRetrievedFromCache24When an ICAP request is processed and an associated rebuilt file is found in the cacheInformation
    FileProcessingFinished25When finished processing a file within an icap requestInformation
    ClearingCache26When running cache cleanup startsInformation
    CacheCleared27When running cache cleanup finishesInformation
    ErrorClearingCache28When running cache cleanup errorsError
    FileBypassed29When a file has been bypassed during modification by the ICAP policy in useInformation
    FileProcessed30When a file has been processed during modification by the ICAP policy in useInformation
    FileErrored31When an error occurs while attempting to process a file during modificationInformation
    TlsDisabled32When no valid certificates are provided to the ICAP server, the server stops listening on secure port 11344 and TLS is disabled.Warning
    TlsEnabled33The ICAP server has found a valid TLS certificate and is listening on the secure port 11344.Information
    ServerStarting1000When the ICAP server is startingInformation
    ServerStarted1001When the ICAP server has startedInformation
    ClientSocketError1002When an unexpected exception occurs while listening to the icap clientError
    UnsupportedIcapRequest1003When the icap server receives a request that is not supported, for example the Method is not REQMOD, OPTIONS or RESPMODWarning
    ClientConnectionHandleError1004When an error occurs when processing data sent to the serverError
    SendFailure1005When attempting to send a response to the icap client failsWarning
    ServerListenerCancelled1006When the ICAP listener thread is cancelled, for example on shutdownWarning
    ErrorDuringSocketClose1007When closing a connection raises an error, for example when the client has already disconnectedInformation
    ClientReceiveError1008When listening to data on the socket sent by the ICAP client and error occursWarning
    RequestProcessError1009When an unhandled exception occurs during the processing of an ICAP requestError

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