Enable Reversing Labs
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    Enable Reversing Labs

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    Article summary

    Follow these steps to enable integration with Reversing Labs.

    Add Reversing Labs credentials

    Reversing Labs credentials should be securely stored in a Kubernetes secret.

    • First retrieve the existing kubernetes secrets and save to a yaml file
      kubectl get secret cdrplatform-secrets -n cdrplatform -o yaml > cdrplatform-secrets.yaml
    • Edit the cdrplatform-secrets.yaml file and add 2 lines with halo-reversinglabs-username and halo-reversinglabs-password under the data section. Leave the existing lines untouched.
      apiVersion: v1
        <existing secrets>
        <existing secrets>
        halo-reversinglabs-username: <base64-encoded-username>
        halo-reversinglabs-password: <base64-encoded-password>
      kind: Secret
    • Apply the yaml.
      kubectl apply -f cdrplatform-secrets.yaml -n cdrplatform

    Pull helm charts

    Pull the necessary helm charts to enable Reversing Labs in the Halo.

    helm pull oci://glasswallhub.azurecr.io/helm/cdrplatform-engine --version 0.2.2 --untar --untardir .

    Upgrade helm charts


    Run below commands to enable Reversing Labs in the engine.

    helm get values cdrplatform-engine -oyaml > cdrplatform-engine-values.yaml
    helm upgrade cdrplatform-engine cdrplatform-engine \
      -n cdrplatform \
      -f cdrplatform-engine-values.yaml \
      --set image.repository=glasswallhub.azurecr.io/cdrplatform-engine \
      --set configuration.ENABLE_REVERSING_LABS="true" \

    Portal (Optional)

    If the Portal is configured with SSO Login, you may optionally want to enable Reversing Labs page in the Portal. Run below commands to enable Reversing Labs page in the Portal.

    helm get values cdrplatform-portal -oyaml > cdrplatform-portal-values.yaml
    helm upgrade --install cdrplatform-portal cdrplatform-portal \
      -n cdrplatform \
      -f cdrplatform-portal-values.yaml \
      --set image.repository=glasswallhub.azurecr.io/cdrplatform-portal \
      --set enabled_pages='SystemSettings\,PolicySettings' \

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