DHCP Configuration
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    DHCP Configuration

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    Article summary

    By default, the DHCP client is set to active within the Single Node Virtual Appliance, and it will allocate an IP address when deployed to a network with an active DHCP Server.

    However, we understand there are certain scenarios where disabling DCHP and configuring your system with a static IP address is required.

    Configure DHCP

    To configure DHCP within the Glasswall Single Node Virtual Appliance, follow the steps outlined below:

    1. Create an additional configuration file in the following area path: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ and append the following to it: network: {config: disabled}
    • Create new file to disable cloud-init from overwriting configuration:
    sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99_disable_net_config.cfg
    • Append settings to your new cloud-init config file:
    sudo echo "network: {config: disabled}" >> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99_disable_net_config.cfg
    • Or to manually edit the config file:
    sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99_disable_net_config.cfg
    1. Disable DHCP on your network interface /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
    • Set BOOTPROTO=static
    sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
    1. Modify the network configuration and DHCP configurations using Network Manager Text User Interface (nmtui)
    • Open nmtui by typing the following command in your terminal:
    sudo nmtui 
    • Use the arrow keys to navigate to Edit a connection and press Enter.
    • Select the network connection you want to modify, and press Enter.
    • Navigate to IPv4 CONFIGURATION or IPv6 CONFIGURATION depending on which is required for your configuration.
    • Press Enter and a menu will appear. Use the arrow keys to navigate to Manual and press Enter. This will disable DHCP and allow you to manually enter IP settings.
    • Fill in the Addresses, Gateway, and DNS server fields as needed.
    • Navigate to OK and press Enter to save your changes.
    • Navigate to Back and then Quit to exit nmtui.
    • Clean cloud-init:
    sudo cloud-init clean
    • Reboot the system with:
    sudo reboot now
    1. Log back in to the system and confirm your network settings:
    ip route | grep default
    (i.e. default via <ip address> dev ens32 proto static metric 100 )
    1. Confirm all Glasswall pods are operational
    kubectl get pods -w

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