Step 2 - Configure Instance
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    Step 2 - Configure Instance

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    Article summary

    Configure Halo EC2 instance

    Step 1 - Health Check

    1. After launching the EC2 instance, wait 15 minutes for the Halo services to start.

    2. Visit https://<ip-address> in a browser to check if the Glasswall Halo portal is running.

    3. Access Halo APIs via the Swagger portal at https://<ip-address>/swagger/index.html.

    You are now ready to use the Glasswall Halo Portal and API.

    Step 2 - License Management

    Set up a license by following the steps at Glasswall License Management Guide.

    Step 3 - Troubleshooting

    What should I do if the Halo Portal and API are not accessible?

    1. If you receive timeout errors, check that the instance security groups allow inbound access to the required ports.
    2. For other errors, SSH into the instance using the username glasswall and the private key used during instance creation.
    3. Run the following command to verify all pods are running.
    kubectl get pods

    What if the Embedded Engine pods aren't running as expected?

    The cloud-init config sets the number of Engine pods based on the VM's CPU cores. If it doesn’t finish on time, run the commands below to retry.

    sudo cloud-init clean
    sudo reboot now

    Proceed to Step 3

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