Step 5 - Enable access to Glasswall's Artifact Registry
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    Step 5 - Enable access to Glasswall's Artifact Registry

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    Article summary

    Glasswall's Artifact Registry stores container images and Helm charts which you need to complete your Glasswall Halo installation.

    • To pull container images and Helm charts from Glasswall Artifact Registry, you need to use your token and token_ID in the following two commands.
    kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-secret -n cdrplatform \
      --docker-server="" --docker-username="${token_ID}" --docker-password="${token}"
    kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-secret -n license-management \
      --docker-server="" --docker-username="${token_ID}" --docker-password="${token}"
    • Login to the Helm registry using your token_ID and token as shown below.
    helm registry login "" -u "${token_ID}" -p "${token}"

    See Glasswall Artifact Registry for a complete list of hosted container images and Helm charts.


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